HackTheBoo 2024 Write-Up
This is a write-up for HackTheBoo 2024 that completed on October 26, 2024. The CTF event included spooky-themed Forensics, Web, Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Pwn, and Coding challenges.
CTF writeups/walkthroughs, challenge development, and more!
This is a write-up for HackTheBoo 2024 that completed on October 26, 2024. The CTF event included spooky-themed Forensics, Web, Cryptography, Reverse Engineering, Pwn, and Coding challenges.
We will investigate host-centric logs in this challenge room to find suspicious process execution. To learn more about Splunk and how to investigate the logs, look at the rooms splunk101 and splunk201.
You won't find the admin's secret password in this binary. We even encrypted it with a secure one-time-pad. Can you still recover the password?
A thorough walkthrough/writeup of ConvertMyVideo on TryHackMe.
There is something on my shop network running at `nc mercury.picoctf.net 16524`, but I can't tell what it is. Can you?
It's a Friday evening at PandaProbe Intelligence when a notification appears on your CTI platform. While most are already looking forward to the weekend, you realize you must pull overtime because SwiftSpend Finance has opened a new ticket, raising concerns about potential malware threats.
This room is dedicated for the RE challenges, each challenge has unique concepts divided in each binaries. As if now only phase 1 is added will decide about phase 2 on response. Developed by WhiteHeart and tested by IslaMukheef
Forela is in need of your assistance. They were informed by an employee that their Discord account had been used to send a message with a link to a file they suspect is malware...