Malware Report: Wannacry Ransomware
Wannacry is a ransomware that utilized the EternalBlue exploit to propagate through the targets network and attacked outdated Windows computers globally in May of 2017.
Wannacry is a ransomware that utilized the EternalBlue exploit to propagate through the targets network and attacked outdated Windows computers globally in May of 2017.
Malware analysis is a crucial discipline within the field of cybersecurity that involves the in-depth examination of malicious software, often referred to as "malware."
This room is dedicated for the RE challenges, each challenge has unique concepts divided in each binaries. As if now only phase 1 is added will decide about phase 2 on response. Developed by WhiteHeart and tested by IslaMukheef
Forela is in need of your assistance. They were informed by an employee that their Discord account had been used to send a message with a link to a file they suspect is malware...