Generating a modern, secure, and widely supported public/private key pair with ECDSA
Recommended steps for generating a modern, secure, and widely supported public/private key pair using ECDSA

Generating a modern, secure, and commonly supported public/private key pair with ECDSA.
Recommended key pair generation using ECDSA - Blog by SH3LL
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Quick and easy reference guide for creating a modern, secure, and widely supported public/private key pair using ECDSA.
This works on both Linux CLI (Command-line interface) and Windows Powershell and is a modern, secure key that works on most systems.
ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521
This command creates a key pair. A public, which you can share and generally ends with .pub, and a private key which you should keep secured.
- navigate the prompts
- make sure to secure the key with a password
Once the keys are created, make sure to add the private key to your systems authentication agent with:
ssh-add "/path/to/private/key"
ssh-add "\path\to\private\key"
Thanks for reading!